Mario Arroyave | TORUS
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At the foundation of all matter lies a vibrant energetic matrix, where every physical form emerges from the dynamic balance of opposing forces. These forms, born of deep, resonant frequencies, embody the equilibrium that shapes the material world. What we perceive as tangible is, at its essence, a symphony of energy fields in ceaseless motion.


In this work, the torus becomes a universal symbol, representing the entirety of existence. Its fluid curves and seamless transitions evoke the harmony found in the interaction of contrasts—light and shadow, motion and stillness, expansion and contraction. The form itself speaks to the infinite nature of being, a cycle without beginning or end, where dissolution gives way to renewal. At its core, the torus also reminds us that all cycles, energies, and opposites ultimately converge in the present moment—the ever-flowing point of connection where existence manifests. Through its undulating patterns and rhythmic design, the torus reflects the unifying forces that sustain and connect all things.

Expansion 1, 2 & 3 

Italian Quartz and steel   //  55 × 100 cm






Italian Quartz and steel //  55 × 80  cm



Perpetual Balance [Torus]

Italian Quartz and steel //  72 × 114  cm



Perpetual Balance [Oxide]

Oxide over steel //  78 × 124 cm



Expansion [Oxide]

Oxide over steel //  57 × 103 cm



Turbulence [Oxide]

Oxide over steel //  72 × 113 cm